
Published on ноября 08, 2023
Esta la última de una serie de tres conversaciones en las que explora el efecto de la política económica sobre los derechos humanos, en concreto sobre los derechos sexuales. La primera, en septiembre, examinó el vínculo entre los derechos sexuales y las historias y legados de la explotación colonial y sus secuelas neoliberales; la segunda conversación, en octubre, se centró en las tácticas y los efectos de las medidas económicas coercitivas.
Published on ноября 08, 2023
Ceci est la dernière d'une série de trois conversations dans lesquelles SRI explore l'effet des politiques économiques sur les droits humains, en particulier les droits sexuels. La première conversation, en septembre, a examiné le lien entre les droits sexuels et l’histoire et le leg de l'exploitation coloniale et leurs répercussions néolibérales ; la deuxième conversation, en octobre, s'est concentrée sur les tactiques et les effets des mesures économiques coercitives
Published on октября 18, 2023
The 54th session of the UN Human Rights Council took place from 11 September to 13 October. Below, you will find information on some of the key sexual rights-related: Resolutions Panel discussions Oral statements Side Events
Published on октября 18, 2023
The 54th session of the UN Human Rights Council took place from 11 September to 13 October. Below, you will find information on some of the key sexual rights-related: Resolutions Panel discussions Oral statements Side Events
Published on октября 09, 2023
Despite 30 years of the Vienna Declaration, universal access to sexual and reproductive health services for all women, girls, and pregnant people is still very far from reality. Sexual and reproductive health and rights are treated as a siloed issue - with limited relevance for the majority of people.
Published on сентября 29, 2023

We regret that Botswana received and noted several recommendations on decriminalising abortion, on repealing Section 167 of the Penal Code, and on ensuring access to legal gender recognition. Botswana must eliminate discrimination against women and ensure their access to legal, safe, and affordable sexual and reproductive health services, including abortion, which Botswana still criminalises, and gender-affirming care.