What to expect at UPR 46

Published on April 26, 2024

The 46th session of the Universal Periodic will take place from 29 April to 10 May 2024.  All of the review sessions will be live-streamed on UN Web TV

14 Countries are under review during the session: New Zealand, Afghanistan, Chile, Cyprus, Uruguay, Yemen, Vanuatu, North Macedonia, Comoros, Slovakia, Eritrea, Viet Nam, Dominican Republic and Cambodia. In collaboration with our partners, the SRI submitted reports for Cambodia, North Macedonia, Chile and Uruguay.  Each review will take three and a half hours. The timetable for the reviews is available on the OHCHR website.


Our work at the UPR

We work at the UPR by collaborating with national and regional organisations and coalitions on stakeholder submissions that touch on a number of different sexual and reproductive health and rights issues affecting the country under review, such as abortion, sex work, access to contraception, and rights related to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression to name a few. 


Turning Data into Action

UPR Sexual Rights Database

SRI’s UPR sexual rights database is there to help you strategise your next move. 

This database records all information from the UPR related to sexual rights. The database provides you with crucial insights into sexual rights around the world, and states’ commitment to upholding these rights. Access comprehensive information on sexual rights-related recommendations and their implementation in your country: from issues related to sex work to maternal health, we’ve got you covered.

Click here to access the database


Focus on Cambodia, North Macedonia, Chile and Uruguay

SRI collaborated with partners on reports for Cambodia, North Macedonia, Chile and Uruguay. We will watch these countries' reviews closely and with keen interest. 



Wednesday 8 May, 9:00 to 12:30 CET

Collaborators: Women’s Network for Unity (WNU), Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI)

Topics: Sex work, female sex workers, access to justice, access to health, sexual orientation, transgender, rape, harassment, violence, access to sexual and reproductive health services, stigma, reproductive and sexual health, entertainment workers

Download the submission


North Macedonia

Thursday 2 May, 9:00 to 12:30 CET

Collaborators: Journalists for Human Rights, Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI)

Topics: Menstrual poverty; Menstrual health and hygiene management; sexual and reproductive health and rights; comprehensive sexuality education; access to contraception and family planning services; maternal healthcare; gender-based violence prevention; LGBTQ+ rights;

Download the submission



Tuesday 30 April: 9:00 to 12:30 CET

Collaborators: Fundación Meridiana, Akãhatã, Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI)

Topics: Sexual and reproductive health and rights; Abortion; Maternal Health; Sexual orientation and gender identity; Comprehensive sexuality education;

Download the submission



Wednesday 1 May: 9:00 to 12:30 CET

Collaborators: Colectivo Ovejas Negras, Akahatà-Equipo de Trabajo en Sexualidades y Género, Sexual Rights Initiative, Colectivo Binacional LGBTQ+ D.I.V.A.S Chuy-Chuí,  S.V.P., Colectivo Diverso Las Piedras, Colectivo LGBTH+ Gente de Diversidad Bella Unión, Colectivo Riversidad, ATRU Rivera, Colectivo Selim Tejos, Masculinidades, personas no binaries y más, Coordinadora por la Diversidad – Salto, Durazno Diverso, Manos Púrpura, Trans Boys Uruguay (TBU), niñez, adolescencia y familia, Unión Rochense LGBT+, Unión Trans y Disidentes de Maldonado

Topics: Sexual orientation and gender identity; civil society participation; comprehensive sexuality education; discrimination; right to education; right to work; access to justice; violence;  right to health;

Download the submission


Call for collaborations: Universal Periodic Review

UPR call for collaboration

If you would like to find out more about collaborating with the Sexual Rights Initiative on a stakeholder report, contact our Advocacy Advisor on the UPR: [email protected]