Lessons From the First Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review: From Commitment to Action on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a unique mechanism established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2006. This mechanism facilitates the review of the fulfilment by each United Nations Member State of its human rights obligations and commitments, with its full involvement, and with the objective of improving the human rights situation on the ground. The outcome of the review is a set of recommendations made to the State under Review (SuR) by reviewing States, the response of the SuR to each recommendation, as well as any voluntary commitments made by it during the review. After the review, the SuR has the primary responsibility to implement the UPR outcome. However, it may do so with the assistance of the United Nations system and participation of civil society, national human rights institutions (NHRIs) and other relevant stakeholders. The UPR is intended to complement and not duplicate or replace the work of other human rights mechanisms such as treaty bodies or special procedures.